Acquisition | Hifi Wasteland II Artifacts / Protoplastic Prototypes | Museum of Transitory Art (SL)


Artifacts from both High Fidelity Wasteland II and Protoplastic Prototypes were acquired by The Museum of Transitory Art (MoTA) in Ljubljana Slovenia.

“MoTA promotes works that avoid genre and medium definitions. The works transit between boundaries, are multi referential, and open questions instead of trying to answer them.‘Transitory’ is thus understood in a wider sense: not only as temporary, but also as transitioning in space and time and as a unique geographical and historical position (between east and west).

Its collection includes works that defy the understating of an artwork as an already concluded whole in time and space. Instead, they ought to be understood as a break in the process, as side effects or as tools and methods which are able to recreate the artwork. With the emergence of art documentation, as already recognized by Groys, art isn’t only present in objects anymore. The objects that refer to what the artwork is and are exhibited as the artworks themselves, are actually not. And instead of seeing the artwork as the end result of a process, they refer to life itself, without trying to present it.”