Material Lo-Fi Imaginaries | Workshop with Claire Williams | iMAL (BE)

Material Lo-Fi Imaginaries
12—14.04.2024, 10:00—18:00
in Collaboration with Claire Williams
Part of the Cookery Program at iMAL, Brussels (BE)

Essential parts of a standard sound system circuitry such as speakers, cables, microphones are often made to disappear in the background of an electronic sonic experience. What happens when we break down these technical components to their most essential parts and reimagine the material elements of sound to tell new stories about what we are hearing?

Drawing on construction and fabrication techniques found in DIY practices, craft, weird science and pure artistic intuition, this workshop emphasises an open hands-on approach to lo-fi sound system creation that embodies a plurality of whispers, noises, para communications, occult electromagnetism and physical audio-visual experimentations.

You’re welcome to bring old transformers, metal, copper elements, wires, old speakers or headphones and weird stuff to play around, elements to customise your artwork, plus whatever tools, cutter, plier, tape etc you have around! We’ll also have tools and material at your disposal!

Workshop language: Claire & Darsha both speak English & French
No pre-requisite required.